World Aspergillosis Day
2024 Campaign
The campaign in 2024 ran over 10 days and highlighted the following 1. The need to Improve the diagnostic journey 2. A Call for new treatments 3. Improve access to specialists 4. Education is vital for all 5. Support for all patients 6. Airway clearance and access to physiotherapists. GAAPP also created a video reel for us which called for patients to wear something purple along with all the key messages from the infographs.
The charity chair, a trustee and our treasurer all spent the afternoon in Blackpool Victoria Hospital handing out leaflets and talking to both members of the hospital and medical professionals.
We also asked patients to send us pictures of themselves wearing purple to share on our socials. Some of which are shown below.
We also lit Blackpool Tower up purple again and the Marine Hall in Fleetwood.
2023 Campaign
For the campaign this year we have tried to bring to light the problems all of us face with antifungal resistance. We also wanted to highlight that we are concerned so we are promoting the #beconcerned and #weareconcerned.
We have produced a video voicing this and a poster. We have also asked patients and medics to give us quotes along with selfies.
You can watch our video on our YouTube channel - (326) Aspergillosis Trust. World Aspergillosis Day 2023 video. 1080p - YouTube
Patients asked us for a Do’s and Don’ts poster as well. You can download a copy on our www.aspergillosistrust.org/leaflets-guides page
Blackpool Tower in Lancashire, UK, will be lit up purple on the 1st February in recognition of World Aspergillosis Day.
2022 Campaign
As usual WAD took part on 1st February. This year we focused on the “Journey to the Correct Diagnosis.
We also had a couple of fundraisers.
Lisa McNeil did a coffee morning and Lorraine Nevill rowed from her home in Somerset to the National Aspergillosis Centre in Manchester (using her rowing machine). Between them they raised over £600.
2021 Campaign
WAD will be on 1st February 2021. This year we will be flooding social media with our selfie campaign and posters. Quotes will accompany the photos.
Contact has been made with all NHS Trusts and CCG's in England with with a copy of our Patient Information Leaflet and 2 posters asking for them to be displayed on a board or in a GP surgery.
2020 Campaign
WAD will be on 27th February 2020 so it coincides with AAAM 2020 (9th Advances Against Aspergillosis and Mucormycosis) which will run from 27th till 29th February.
We have sent this poster out to medical, nursing, pharmacy and physiotherapy schools. PDF of the poster has been emailed to all the CCG's in England. It has also been downloaded by people all over the world.
have put this display together in the main atrium AT couldn't be more proud
Our campaign this year will involve the above poster being displayed at King's Cross tube station from Monday 24th February 2020 for 14 days. Pfizer Ltd funded this for Aspergillosis Trust.
AT will be holding a raffle which will be drawn on that day.
Tickets for the raffle are on sale from 23rd December until 20th February 2020. We have a selection of prizes.
Brain Fizzing Facts by Dr Emily Grossman, AT Patron (signed copy).
A 3-month running coaching voucher from Liz Yelling, AT Patron.
The Beautiful Cure. The New Science of Human Health, by Prof Dan Davis (signed copy) - Professor of Immunology at the University of Manchester.
A novel by Alan Titchmarsh, AT supporter.
Two £10 Love2Shop vouchers for giving feedback on patient information leaflets for the cat allergy project. This is at NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and Manchester Clinical Research Facility.
£25 Marks and Spencer card.
£25 Amazon gift card.
£20 Amazon gift voucher.
2x £10 Carluccios gift vouchers.
Jenfleur’s fabric craft notice board https://jennifershelton.vpweb.co.uk/Home.html.
Selection of mini jams.
Notebook and pen.
Model of your pet or animal of your choice – by Make Your Presents Felt. www.mypf.co.uk/
Gardening book by Alan Titchmarsh with a signed photo.
To buy the raffle tickets please go to the fundraising page https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?userUrl=jillfairweather&pageUrl=2 Once you have donated please email jill@aspergillosistrust.org with your address.
You will receive your tickets along with a selfie card, Aspergillosis Trust badge and, for fun, a crossword puzzle. Please take a selfie holding the card wearing the badge and email them to jill@aspergillosistrust.org or you can submit your selfie at https://aspergillosistrust.org/submit-your-selfie/ We want to flood social media on the run up to WAD to help spread awareness. Please help us in the fight.
The answers to the crossword puzzle can be found on our "What Aspergillosis Means to us" poster.
Coffee mornings were held four in all. Raising money and awareness. NAC organised assets, cake labels and bunting.
2019 Campaign
Poster for our campaign.
This image is on London buses from 7th January for 4 weeks so incorporates WAD. We have also written an article for magazines and Everton Football Club have published it for us.
There will also be a poster sent to Medical Schools and Hospitals showing all our supporters from our selfie campaign.
We also have a video to help with the campaign. https://vimeo.com/313364523
Two people organised coffee mornings to raise money for FIT.
Lisa McNeil and friends
Jean Jones and friends
Follow us on Twitter @aspertrust
Email: cliff@aspergillosistrust.org or jill@aspergillosistrust.org