Curated Blogs
Useful blogs written by people with Aspergillosis
This page contains Blogs, one written by Jill, an Aspergillosis Trust (AT) co-founding patient member and volunteer.
Jill's song title themed Blog is a great illustration of the rollercoaster ride of having Aspergillosis and the impact it has upon the lives of all concerned.
Cliff The Mouldy Old Grower
The other is a more recently started Blog, written by Cliff. He is a retired horticulturist, who is a proud father of two, plus grandfather of seven grandchildren. He is an AT member who manages the Aspergillosis Trust Twitter account, in between maintaining his beautiful garden. Check out the photos in his Blog to see what we mean!
Back and Breathing
We now have a new blog written by Leslee. She has written a patient story for us which is on the Media page but now she is writing a blog.
A Lung Story
Sam has now joined our team of bloggers. She has a complicated medical history which she is happy to share with us.
Sadly Sam died on 22nd December 2019. This past year has been a battle but she had incredible spirit. We only knew her for a short while but in that time she fought hard to bring awareness.
My Lung Journey
Karen Linton writes about her treatment and life with Aspergillosis